10 years ago today I married my knight in shiny armors, and we have been living happily ever after since. I have to give Gordon 100% credit for making this all possible, after all he’s the one who worked very very hard in making this all possible!
I believe every love stories are romantic in their own ways, and ours is pretty darn romantic now that I am walking down the memory lane.
I met Gordon through a friend in University but after 2 brief encounters I was off to Taiwan for a job opportunity. Throughout the 2 years I was in Taiwan, he will message me on MSN every-single-time I come online... he will even worry if I don’t come online at the usual times. For 2 years straight, regardless of what my attitude was towards him, he kept in touch and kept trying to come up with a million topics that I might be interested, and I really mean a million different topics!
Once I came back to Vancouver he memorized my class schedule maybe even better than myself. He’s always by my side in school even during my late night classes, and no we were just friends then!!! I am one of the slowest person when it comes to relationships. That’s probably why it took him so long to finally “win me over”
Happy 10th Anniversary my shiny knight!
最近突然找到剛認識第二年老公寄給我的卡片。哈,沒想到才見過三次面,聊了兩年的老公就已經在預告未來了...只是遲鈍的我要再1年才被追到 🤣